Quick Start

First of all create Elasticsearch cluster and index objects:

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticmagic import Cluster, Index

es_cluster = Cluster(Elasticsearch())
es_index = Index(es_cluster, 'test')

Let’s describe elasticsearch document:

from elasticmagic import Document, Field
from elasticmagic.types import String, Integer, Float

class ProductDocument(Document):
    __doc_type__ = 'product'

    name = Field(String, fields={
        'sort': Field(
            String, index='no', doc_values=True, analyzer='keyword'
    status = Field(Integer)
    price = Field(Float)

To create or update document mapping just run:


Try to reindex some documents:

from decimal import Decimal

doc1 = ProductDocument(
    name="Lego Ninjago Cole's dragon",
doc2 = ProductDocument()
doc2.name = 'Lego minifigure'
doc2.status = 1
doc2.price = Decimal('2.50')
result = es_index.add([doc1, doc2])
assert result.errors == False

Now we can build query:

search_query = (
    .filter(ProductDocument.status == 0)

And finally make request and process result:

for doc in search_query:
    print('{}: {}'.format(doc._id, doc.name))

Let’s build a histogram by price:

from elasticmagic import agg

search_query = (
    .filter(ProductDocument.status == 0)
        'prices': agg.Histogram(ProductDocument.price, interval=20)

for bucket in search_query.result.get_aggregation('prices').buckets:
    print('{} ({})'.format(bucket.key, bucket.doc_count))